Gloucester Coal Mine is located in Gloucester basin in New South Wales, Australiaand covers an area of 164 square kilometers.Gloucester Coal Mine is approximately 100 kilometers away from Newcastle Port. The construction of Gloucester Coal Mine startedin 1998 and commercial production commenced in 1999.
Gloucester Coal Mine consists of two open-pit mines, Duralie and Stratford.The Company uses conventionaltruck shovel mining methods in Duralie open-pit mine and light mining equipment in Stratford open-pit mine. As of December 31,2013, Gloucester Coal Mine’s JORC-compliant reserves were approximately 65 million tonnes. As of the same date, the mine’smarketable coal reserves were approximately 37.3 million tonnes. The mines have an aggregate annual designed productioncapacity of 3.8 million tonnes and an aggregate annual designed preparation capacity of 3.8 million tonnes.Duralie open-pit mine and Stratford open-pit mine own one coal preparation plan with an annual designed preparation capacityof 1.8 million tonnes, which was increased to 4.3 million tonnes in June 2011 after times of upgrade and expasion.